Transcript:Savage, James. Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England/v1p76


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Volume 1, Page 76

7 Oct. 1684; and Mary to Ichabod Stow of Middletown, 22 Oct. 1688.
DAVID, New Haven, eldest s. of the preced. had Joanna, b. 24 Feb.
1683; Abigail, 18 Jan. 1685; and Joshua, 6 Dec. 1686. EBENEZER,
New Haven, br. of the preced. m. 11 Dc. 1691, Abigail, eldest d. of
James Heaton, had four ch. JOHN, br. of the preced. m. 13 Sept.
1682, Abigail, d. of Moses Mansfield, had ten ch. JOHN, Salem,
s. of Joshua, had rem. with his mo. from Boston on her m. with
Higginson, by w. Mehitable, d. of Francis Wainwright of Ipswich, had
John b. 20 Dec. 1687; Francis, 2 Oct. 1690; and perhaps Rebecca; but
certain. his w. d. soon, and he m. Mary, youngest d. of Seaborn Cotton,
and hims. d. bef. mid. age, drown. as I have heard, 2 Feb. 1692. His
young wid. m. 1695, Samuel Partridge of Hatfield.
Haven, s. of David of the same, m. 1 June 1681, Ruth, eldest d. of
Rev. Jeremiah Peck, first min. of Greenwich, had Joshua, b. 21 Feb.
1682, d. in few days; David, 5 Aug. 1683; Jeremiah, 31 Jan. 1685; Mary,
31 Dec. 1686; Ruth, 31 Dec. 1688; Jonathan, 1 Nov. 1690; Lydia, 18 Apr.
1693, d. next yr.; Joseph, 9 Dec. 1694; Stephen, 4 Dec. 1696; and Damaris, 9
Oct. 1698; Lydia, again, 31 July 1701. * JOSHUA, New Haven 1638, br. of
David, a merch. from London, sign. the coven. 1639, m. 6 May 1651, Mary, d.
of Rev. Adam Blackman of Stratford, had Ann; Samuel, b. 20 June 1654, prob.
d. young; Joshua, 10 Apr. bapt. 21 Nov. 1658; and Mary, 1659; was rep.
1652, rem. 1655 to Milford, there had the last named two ch. was Assist. and
Treasr. of the Col. but rem. in 1659 to Boston, there had Mary, b. 15
Jan. 1660; John, 14 Aug. 1662, bef. ment.; Abigail, 23 Jan. 1664; Jane,
with an alias Grace, on our rec. 9 Sept. 1666; Elinor, 23 Apr. 1669; and
Benjamin, 16 May 1673; was a busy trader, d. 16, bur. 18 May 1676,
leav. wid. wh. in few mos. m. Rev. John Higginson of Salem, and d. 9
Mar. 1709. Ann m. 1672, Jeremiah Dummer, the goldsmith of Boston,
and was mo. of the famous Jeremy; and Mary m. John Clark, wh. d. in
Barbary of smallpox, and she next m. 8 Nov. 1694 John Coney, outliv.
him, and d. 12 Apr. 1726. Both these ds. and Rebecca, a gr.d. but no s.
are nam. in the will of Higginson's wid. JOSHUA, Boston, s. of the preced.
by w. Rebecca had Rebecca, b. 25 Feb. 1687; and by w. Mary, as the rec.
(perhaps untrustworthy in this name) says, had Samuel, b. 3 Mar. 1688.
Easy eno. may be the conject. as to error, that the writer in the clerk's
office took Mary as w. of Joshua, bec. he saw such connex. of parents
with ch. few yr.s. bef. but equal. easy is the other suppos. that Rebecca
was not the true name of the w. but carelessly giv. bec. the ch. had that
name. To this latter suggest. is perhaps to be add. that it is somewhere
writ. that Joshua m. Mary, wid. of Samuel Smith, and d. of Samuel Maverick.
After long research, I am not enlight. eno. to speak with decis.
SAMUEL, New Haven, br. of Jonathan of the same, m. 1691, Sarah,
d. of the first John Alling, had ten ch. In the New Haven fam. the name is
perpet. and gr. at Yale in 1834 were count. fifteen, two at other N. E. coll.
none at Harv.

    ATWELL, BENJAMIN, New London, by w. Mary had Thomas, b. 1670;
Mary, 1672; William, 1674; John, 1675; Joseph, 1678; Richard, 1679;