User:Quolla6/Web 2.0


Web 2.0 ideas from the science community per Waldrop, Michael, 2008. Science 2.0. Sci. American, May 2008:69-73.

The following is a series of scattered, slightly paraphrased, thoughts featured in Source:Waldrop, 2008 related to the concept of Science 2.0. That concept is a subset of "Web 2.0",

a term describing the trend in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to enhance creativity, information sharing, and, most notably, collaboration among users. Wikipedia:Web 2.0

Most of these thoughts are actively paralleled by similar ideas encountered in the genealogy community.

Web 2.0 has expanded peoples ability not just to consume online information but to publish it, edit it, and collaborate about it---forcing such old line institutions to adopt whole new ways of thinking and operating
"No way I'm making my scientific ruminations public property. I've learned over the years that this is a sure way to have those ideas appear in someone elses work
Internet citations are frowned on by authors and editors. "Link rot" almost guarantees that any cited web address goes 404 (error:page not found) after a few years or decades.
It may be that by making so much information aailable (imagine millions of notebook pages with all the associated flotsam and jetsam) information that is actually valuable and useful will become harder to find.
There are lots of resources (for example, Google) going after the problem of searching huge, diverse information sets, so we get to ride that wave for free
The challenge lies in building big enough scientific networks that we start to see [...the] benefits.