Person:Agnes Randolph (5)

Agnes Dunbar, 4th Countess of Moray
b.Abt 1312
m. Abt 1303
  1. Thomas Randolph, 2nd Earl of MorayAbt 1304 - 1332
  2. John Randolph, 3rd Earl of MorayAbt 1306 - 1346
  3. Agnes RandolphAbt 1308 - Aft 1367
  4. Isobel RandolphAbt 1310 -
  5. Geilis Randolph
  6. Agnes Dunbar, 4th Countess of MorayAbt 1312 - 1369
Facts and Events
Name Agnes Dunbar, 4th Countess of Moray
Gender Female
Birth[1] Abt 1312
Marriage to Patrick V de Dunbar, Earl of March
Death[1] 1369
Reference Number? Q4693105

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Agnes Randolph, Countess of Dunbar and March ( 1312 – 1369), known as Black Agnes for her dark complexion, was the wife of Patrick, 9th Earl of Dunbar and March. She is buried in the vault near Mordington House.

She was the daughter of Thomas Randolph, Earl of Moray, nephew and companion-in-arms of Robert the Bruce, and Moray's wife, Isabel Stewart, herself a daughter of John Stewart of Bonkyll. Agnes became renowned for her heroic defence of Dunbar Castle in East Lothian against an English siege led by William Montagu, 1st Earl of Salisbury, which began on 13 January 1338 and ended on 10 June the same year during the Second War of Scottish Independence from 1331 to 1341.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Agnes Dunbar, 4th Countess of Moray, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.