Person:Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg (1)

Albrecht _____, Duke of Württemberg
b.23 Dec 1865
d.31 Oct 1939
Facts and Events
Name Albrecht _____, Duke of Württemberg
Gender Male
Birth[1] 23 Dec 1865
Marriage to Archduchess Margarete Sophie of Austria
Death[1] 31 Oct 1939
Reference Number? Q60504

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg (Albrecht Maria Alexander Philipp Joseph; 23 December 1865 – 31 October 1939) was the last Württemberger crown prince, a German military commander of the First World War, and the head of the House of Württemberg from 1921 to his death.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Albrecht, Duke of Württemberg, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.