Person:Charles Burnett (3)

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Charles Burnett
b.14 Nov 1768 London, , , England
Facts and Events
Name Charles Burnett
Gender Male
Birth[1][2] 14 Nov 1768 London, , , England
Immigration[1][5] Abt 1785 Richmond, , Virginia, United States
Marriage 18 Apr 1792 Richmond, , Virginia, United Statesto Mary Ann Jouills
Other 18 Apr 1792 Richmond, , Virginia, United StatesMarriage
with Mary Ann Jouills
Death? 24 May 1812 Baltimore, , Maryland, United States
Burial? Baltimore, , Maryland, United States

Source: Lewis B. Kellum genealogy chart

(Research): According to record on paper in bible of Joseph P. Burnett, Charles Burnett was born near "Alight Bridge, London", England. We do not know of the existance of "Alight Bridge", but there is an old section of London known as "Knight's Bridge".

Charles Burnett came from England to Richmond, Virginia, with a man named William Parrott. Charles Burnett had a sister named Susanna who married a Mr. Cutting in England.

     The record at Henrico Courthouse, Richmond, VA has two marriage licenses for Charles Burnett.  The dates are within 6 mos. of each other and we believe he married only once. There was a note from Alexander Leron with the license saying Mary Ann Jouills had lived with him since infancy. He was a witness to her marriage.

(this note written in Lewis B. Kellum's handwritting at bottom of genealogy sheet)

  1. 1.0 1.1 Emma Wheeler Burnett. Emma Burnett note. (Handwritten note from Emma to her son, undated.Purports to be copied from "father's Bible").
  2. Frances Brown. Frances Brown Letter.
  3.   Gail Wellwood & Gail Curtis & Lewis Kellum. In possesion of Gail Curtis (nee Gail Wellwood).. (Compiled by Gail Wellwood from research done mostly by her aunt, Gail Curtis. Kellum genealogy provided by Lewis B. Kellum from family stories and writings.).
  4.   Lewis B. Kellum. Kellum Genealogy Charts. (Handwritten genealogy sheets recorded from mostly unknown sources by Lewis B. Kellum).
  5. Came over from England with a man names William Parrott who was employed to do stucco work at the capital