Person:Eustachy Sanguszko (2)

Eustachy Stanisław Sanguszko
b.28 Aug 1842
d.2 Apr 1903
Facts and Events
Name Eustachy Stanisław Sanguszko
Gender Male
Birth[1] 28 Aug 1842
Death[1] 2 Apr 1903
Reference Number? Q2616821

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Prince Eustachy Stanisław Sanguszko (28 August 1842 – 2 April 1903) was a Polish noble (szlachcic), conservative politician.

Eustachy educated in Poland and Paris in 1859–1860. He studied law at the Jagiellonian University from 1862 to 1864. He sympathized with the insurgents of the January Uprising of 1863–1864 and took part in meetings in Goszcz. In April 1863 he traveled with a secret correspondence for the "Hôtel Lambert" to Paris, and stayed there until the end of the Uprising. From 1873 until 1901 member and from 14 October 1890 to 9 February 1895 Marshal of the National Sejm in Galicia. He was member of the Herrenhaus and member of the Austrian Council of the State from 27 October 1879. Successor of Kazimierz Feliks Badeni in the office of governor of Galicia from 1895 until 1898.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Eustachy Stanisław Sanguszko, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.