Person:Guillaume aux Blanches Mains (1)

Guillaume aux Blanches Mains _____
m. Abt 1123
  1. Theobald V _____, Count of BloisAbt 1108 - 1191
  2. Henri Ier "le Libéral" de Champagne1127 - 1181
  3. Marie de ChampagneAbt 1129 - 1190
  4. Elisabeth de Blois1130 - Aft 1168
  5. Stephen I of Sancerre1133 - 1190
  6. Guillaume aux Blanches Mains _____1135 - 1202
  7. Adèle de Champagne1140 - 1206
  8. Mathilde de Blois - Abt 1184
  9. Agnes de Blois - 1207
  10. Marguerite de Blois
Facts and Events
Name Guillaume aux Blanches Mains _____
Gender Male
Birth[1] 1135
Death[1] 1202
Reference Number? Q948520

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

William of the White Hands (; 1135–1202), also called William White Hands, was a French cardinal.

William was born in Brosse, Île-de-France, France. He was a son of Theobald the Great, Count of Blois and Count of Champagne, and Matilda of Carinthia.

William served as Bishop of Chartres in 1165, Archbishop of Sens (1169–1176), Archbishop of Reims (1175–1202), and the first Peer of France to bear that title. He anointed his nephew, Philip II of France, as co-king on 1 November 1179 in Rheims. Pope Alexander III created him Cardinal Priest of Santa Sabina in March 1179; as such, he signed the papal bulls between 8 April 1179 and 23 December 1201. He died on 7 September 1202.

William was portrayed by actor Liam O'Callaghan in the 1978 BBC TV drama series The Devil's Crown.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Guillaume aux Blanches Mains. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Guillaume aux Blanches Mains, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2.   GUILLAUME de Blois, in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.