Person:Henry I, Count Palatine (1)

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Henry I _____, Count Palatine
Facts and Events
Name Henry I _____, Count Palatine
Gender Male
Marriage to Matilda of Verdun
Death[1] 1060
Reference Number[1] Q476331

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Henry I (; d.1061), was Count Palatine of Lotharingia from 1045 until 1060. He was the son of Hezzelin I, Count in Zülpichgau, and a member of the Ezzonid dynasty. Historians have given several nicknames to Heinrich: Furiosus (the Violent/the Insane), because he murdered his wife, and Monachus (the Monk), because he was confined into an abbey to treat his insanity.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Henry I, Count Palatine, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.