Person:Henry II, Duke of Brabant (1)

Henry II "The Courageous" _____, Duke of Brabant
m. 1179
  1. Margarethe of Brabant
  2. Marie of BrabantAbt 1190 - 1260
  3. Aleidis de Brabant1190 - 1261
  4. Mathilde de BrabantAbt 1200 - 1267
  5. Henry II "The Courageous" _____, Duke of Brabant1207 - 1248
  6. Godfried van Leuven1209 - 1253
m. Bet 1201 and 1235
  1. Matilda of Brabant1224 - 1288
  2. Beatrice _____, of Brabant1225 - 1288
  3. Marie of Brabant, Duchess of Bavaria1226 - 1256
  4. Henri III _____, Duke of BrabantAbt 1230 - 1261
  1. Elisabeth, Princess of Brabant1243 - 1261
  2. Heinrich I "Das Kind", Landgrave of Hesse, I1244 - 1308
Facts and Events
Name Henry II "The Courageous" _____, Duke of Brabant
Alt Name Henri _____
Gender Male
Marriage Bet 1201 and 1235 to Princesa Marie of Hohenstaufen
Birth[1] 1207 Brabant-le-Roi, Meuse, FranceHouse of Reginar
Alt Marriage Bef 1216 to Princesa Marie of Hohenstaufen
Alt Marriage Abt 1215 Brabant, Belgiumto Princesa Marie of Hohenstaufen
Alt Marriage Bef 22 Aug 1215 to Princesa Marie of Hohenstaufen
Marriage to Princesa Sophie Hesse-Thuringia
Death[1] 1 Feb 1248 Leuven, Brabant, Belgium
Other? Q533353

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Henry II of Brabant (; 1207 – February 1, 1248) was Duke of Brabant and Lothier after the death of his father Henry I in 1235. His mother was Matilda of Boulogne.

Henry II supported his sister Mathilde's son, William II of Holland, in the his bid for election as king of Germany.

His first marriage was to Marie of Hohenstaufen (April 3, 1207–1235, Leuven), daughter of Philip of Swabia and Irene Angelina. They had six children:

  1. Henry III, Duke of Brabant (d. 1261)
  2. Philip, died young
  3. Matilda of Brabant (1224 – September 29, 1288), married:
    1. Robert I of Artois, 14 June 1237, in Compiègne
    2. before May 31, 1254 to Guy II of Châtillon, Count of Saint Pol.
  4. Beatrix (1225 – November 11, 1288), married:
    1. at Creuzburg March 10, 1241, Heinrich Raspe, Landgrave of Thuringia;
    2. in Leuven November 1247 to William III of Dampierre, Count of Flanders (1224 – June 6, 1251).
  5. Maria of Brabant (c. 1226 – January 18, 1256, Donauwörth), married Louis II, Duke of Upper Bavaria. She was beheaded by her husband on suspicion of infidelity.
  6. Margaret (d. March 14, 1277), Abbess of Valduc Abbey (Hertogendal).

His second marriage was to Sophie of Thuringia (March 20, 1224 – May 29, 1275), daughter of Ludwig IV of Thuringia and Saint Elisabeth of Hungary by whom he had two children:

  1. Henry (1244–1308), created Landgrave of Hesse in 1264.
  2. Elizabeth (1243 – October 9, 1261), married Albert I, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg

Henry died in Leuven, aged about 40.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Henry II, Duke of Brabant, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2.   HENRI de Brabant, in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.