Person:James V of Scotland (1)

James V _____, of Scotland
d.14 Dec 1542 Scotland
m. 1 Jan 1537
  1. James Stewart, 1st Earl of MorayAbt 1531 - 1570
  • HJames V _____, of ScotlandAbt 1512 - 1542
  • W.  Elizabeth Carmichael (add)
  1. Lord John Stewart, Prior of ColdinghamEst 1532 - 1563
  1. Robert Stewart, 1st Earl of Orkney1533 - 1593
  1. Jean StewartAbt 1533 - 1587/88
  • HJames V _____, of ScotlandAbt 1512 - 1542
  • WMary of Guise1515 - 1560
m. 9 May 1538
  1. Robert Stewart
  2. James Stewart
  3. Mary I _____, of Scotland1542 - 1587
Facts and Events
Name James V _____, of Scotland
Gender Male
Birth[1] Abt 10 Apr 1512 Linlithgow Palace, Linlithgow, West Lothian, ScotlandHouse of Stuart
Marriage 1 Jan 1537 Paris, Paris, FranceNotre-Dame de Paris
to Madeleine de France
Marriage 9 May 1538 Notre Dame de Paris
to Mary of Guise
Alt Marriage 18 May 1538 to Mary of Guise
Marriage not married
to Margaret Erskine
Marriage to Elizabeth Carmichael (add)
Marriage not married
to Euphemia Elphinstone
Death[1] 14 Dec 1542 ScotlandFalkland Palace
Burial[2] 16 Dec 1542 Holyrood Abbey, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland
Marriage not married
to Elizabeth Beaton
Reference Number? Q137814

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

James V (10 April 1512 – 14 December 1542) was King of Scotland from 9 September 1513 until his death in 1542. He was crowned on 21 September 1513 at the age of seventeen months. James was the son of King James IV and Margaret Tudor, and during his childhood Scotland was governed by regents, firstly by his mother until she remarried, and then by his second cousin, John, Duke of Albany. James's personal rule began in 1528 when he finally escaped the custody of his stepfather, Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus. His first action was to exile Angus and confiscate the lands of the Douglases.

James greatly increased his income by tightening control over royal estates and from the profits of justice, customs and feudal rights. He founded the College of Justice in 1532, and also acted to end lawlessness and rebellion in the Borders and the Hebrides. The rivalry between France, England, and the Holy Roman Empire lent James unwonted diplomatic weight, and saw him secure two politically and financially advantageous French marriages, first to Madeleine of Valois, and then to Mary of Guise. James also fathered at least nine illegitimate children by a series of mistresses.

James V's reign witnessed the beginnings of Protestantism in Scotland, and Henry VIII of England's break with Rome in the 1530s placed James in a powerful bargaining position with the papacy, allowing James to exploit the situation to increase his control over ecclesiastical appointments and the financial dividends from church revenues. Pope Paul III also granted him the title of Defender of the Faith in 1537. James V maintained diplomatic correspondence with various Irish nobles and chiefs throughout their resistance to Henry VIII in the 1530s, and in 1540 they offered him the kingship of Ireland. A patron of the arts, James spent lavishly on the construction of several royal residences in the High Gothic and Renaissance styles.

James V has been described as a vindictive king, whose policies were largely motivated by the pursuit of wealth, and a paranoid fear of his nobility which led to the ruthless appropriation of their lands. He has also been characterised as the "poor man's king", due to his accessibility to the poor and his acting against their oppressors. James died in December 1542 following the Scottish defeat at the Battle of Solway Moss. His only surviving legitimate child, Mary, Queen of Scots, succeeded him at the age of just six days old.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at James V of Scotland. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. 1.0 1.1 James V of Scotland, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2. James, King of Scots, V, in Find A Grave.