Person:Jean I de Croÿ (1)

Jean I de Croÿ
b.Abt 1365
  1. Jean I de CroÿAbt 1365 - 1415
  1. Antoine I de CroÿAbt 1385 - 1475
  2. Agnes de Croÿ1386 -
  3. Archambaud de Croÿ1386 - 1415
  4. Jean de Croÿ1387 - 1415
  5. Jean II de CroÿAbt 1390 - 1473
  6. Marie-Louise de Croy
  7. Jeanne de Croÿ1390 -
Facts and Events
Name Jean I de Croÿ
Gender Male
Birth[1] Abt 1365
Marriage to Marguerite de Craon
Death[1] 25 Oct 1415 Azincourt, Pas-de-Calais, France Combatant of Agincourt
Reference Number? Q3021569?

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Jean I de Croÿ, Seigneur of Croÿ et d'Araines, Baron of Renty and of Seneghem (around 1365 – 25 October 1415), was the founder of the House of Croÿ.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Jean I de Croÿ, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.