Person:Joscelin II, Count of Edessa (1)

Joscelin II _____, Count of Edessa
  1. Joscelin II _____, Count of Edessa - 1159
  1. Joscelin III of Edessa
  2. Agnes _____, of CourtenayAbt 1136 - Abt 1184
  3. Isabelle de Courtenay
Facts and Events
Name Joscelin II _____, Count of Edessa
Gender Male
Marriage to Béatrice de Saône
Death[1] 1159
Reference Number? Q55503

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Joscelin II of Edessa (died 1159) was the fourth and last ruling count of Edessa. He was son of his predecessor Joscelin I of Edessa and Beatrice, daughter of Constantine I of Armenia.

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  1. Joscelin II, Count of Edessa, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.