Person:Malmfred of Kiev (1)

Malmfred of Kiev _____
b.Abt 1100 Kiev, Ukraine
d.Aft 1137
m. 1095
  1. Eupraxia of Kiev
  2. Ingeborg of Kiev _____1091 - 1131
  3. Iziaslav II of KievAbt 1097 - 1154
  4. Malmfred of Kiev _____Abt 1100 - Aft 1137
  5. Maria of Kiev _____Abt 1101 - 1179
  6. Rostislav I of KievAbt 1110 - 1167
  7. Vsevolod of PskovBef 1117 - 1138
  8. Euphrosyne of Kiev _____Abt 1130 - Abt 1193
  1. Kristen Sigurdsdottir
Facts and Events
Name Malmfred of Kiev _____
Alt Name Malmfrida Mstislavna
Gender Female
Birth[1] Abt 1100 Kiev, Ukraine
Marriage to Sigurd I Magnusson, King of Norway
Marriage to Eric II of Denmark
Death[1] Aft 1137
Reference Number? Q2919957
  1. 1.0 1.1 Malmfred of Kiev, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.

    the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

    Malmfred of Kyiv (between 1095 and 1102 – died after 1137) was a Norwegian and Danish queen consort, wife first to King Sigurd I of Norway and second to king Eric II of Denmark.

    This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Malmfred of Kiev. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  2.   MALMFRIDA Mstislavna (-after 1137), in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.