Person:Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar (1)

Patrick I de Dunbar, 4th Earl of Dunbar
d.31 Dec 1232
  1. Patrick I de Dunbar, 4th Earl of Dunbar1152 - 1232
  • HPatrick I de Dunbar, 4th Earl of Dunbar1152 - 1232
  • WAda of Scotland
  1. Patrick II of Dunbar1185 - 1248
Facts and Events
Name Patrick I de Dunbar, 4th Earl of Dunbar
Gender Male
Birth? 1152
Marriage to Ada of Scotland
Death[1] 31 Dec 1232
Reference Number? Q7146785

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Patrick I (c.11521232), Earl of Dunbar and lord of Beanley, was a 13th-century Anglo-Scottish noble.

He was the eldest son of Waltheof, Earl of Dunbar and Alina, and succeeded to his father's titles upon the latter's death in 1182.

Patrick was one of the most important magnates to Kings William and Alexander II of Scotland, frequently witnessing their charters and traveling in their entourages whenever they went to the south of England to perform homage to the King of England for the properties in that realm.

Patrick also served as Justiciar of Lothian as well as of Berwick-upon-Tweed. Like his predecessors (who were originally of the kindred of the native English earls of Northumberland), some of Patrick's most important lands were in northern England. Patrick's close association with the Scottish kings in fact got him in trouble, and perhaps because of Alexander II's pursuit of claims to the earldom of Northumberland, Waltheof found himself temporarily deprived of some of his lands by King John of England.

Patrick married (1) Ada (died 1200), an illegitimate daughter of King William the Lion, by whom he had four sons and a daughter:

  • Patrick (his successor),
  • William, who witnessed a charter as "fratre Comitis" c. 12401248
  • Robert,
  • Fergus,
  • Ada, who married her second cousin Sir William de Greenlaw (son of Sir Patrick de Greenlaw, son of Gospatric III, Earl of Lothian). Her dowry was Home Castle, and Sir William later became known as 'de Home' in her right. The couple were progenitors of the Home family.

His first wife predeceasing him, Patrick married again: (2) Christina, widow of William de Brus, 3rd Lord of Annandale. No children are known by this marriage.

The Earl of Dunbar died on 31 December 1232. He was buried at the Cistercian nunnery of Eccles, Berwickshire.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. Patrick I, Earl of Dunbar, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2.   Weir, Alison. Britain's Royal families : the complete genealogy. (London: The Bodley Head, c1989)
    pg. 198.
  3.   Cokayne, George Edward, and Vicary Gibbs; et al. The complete peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, extant, extinct, or dormant [2nd ed.]. (London: St. Catherine Press, 1910-59)
    Volume 5 page 505.
  4.   Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003)