Person:Princess Milica of Serbia (1)

Princess Milica of Serbia
d.11 Nov 1405
Facts and Events
Name Princess Milica of Serbia
Gender Female
Birth[1] 1300s
Marriage to Lazar of Serbia
Death[1] 11 Nov 1405
Reference Number? Q439595
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Princess Milica Hrebeljanović née Nemanjić ( · ca. 1335 – November 11, 1405) also known as Empress (Tsaritsa) Milica, was a royal consort of Serbia by marriage to Prince Lazar, and regent of Serbia during the minority of her son, despot Stefan Lazarević from 1389 to 1393.

She later became a Serbian Orthodox nun under the name Jevgenija. She is the author of "A Mother's Prayer" and a famous poem of mourning for her husband, My Widowhood's Bridegroom.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Princess Milica of Serbia, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.