Person:Richard Taylor (41)

Richard Taylor
b.27 Jan 1826 Louisville, KY
d.12 Apr 1879 New York, NY
Facts and Events
Name Richard Taylor
Gender Male
Birth? 27 Jan 1826 Louisville, KY
Marriage 10 Feb 1851 Marriage of Richard Taylor and Louise Marie Myrthe Bringier
to Louise Marie Myrthe Bringier
Death? 12 Apr 1879 New York, NY
Reference Number? Q1967771

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Richard "Dick" Taylor (January 27, 1826 – April 12, 1879) was an American planter, politician, military historian, and Confederate general. Following the outbreak of the American Civil War, Taylor joined the Confederate States Army, serving first as a brigade commander in Virginia, and later as an army commander in the Trans-Mississippi Theater. Taylor commanded the District of West Louisiana and was responsible for successfully opposing United States troops invading upper northwest Louisiana during the Red River Campaign of 1864. He was the only son of Zachary Taylor, the 12th President of the United States.

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