Person:Romanos IV Diogenes (1)

Romanos IV Diogenes
b.Est 1030
  1. Romanos IV DiogenesEst 1030 - 1072
  1. Leo Diogenes1069 - 1087
  2. Nikephoros Diogenes1070 -
  1. Konstantos Diogenes, Prince Of The Byzantine Empire
Facts and Events
Name Romanos IV Diogenes
Gender Male
Birth[1] Est 1030 House of Doukas
Marriage to Eudokia Makrembolitissa
Marriage to Anna _____, of Bulgaria
Death[1] 1072
Reference Number? Q41834

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Romanos IV Diogenes (Greek: Ρωμανός Διογένης), also known as Romanus IV, was a member of the Byzantine military aristocracy who, after his marriage to the widowed empress Eudokia Makrembolitissa, was crowned Byzantine Emperor and reigned from 1068 to 1071. During his reign he was determined to halt the decline of the Byzantine military and to stop Turkish incursions into the Byzantine Empire, but in 1071 he was captured and his army routed at the Battle of Manzikert. While still captive he was overthrown in a palace coup, and when released he was quickly defeated and detained by members of the Doukas family. In 1072, he was blinded and sent to a monastery, where he died of his wounds.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Romanos IV Diogenes, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2.   ROMANOS Diogenes (-Prote Monastery Summer 1072), in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.