Person:Unknown Benedict (2)

Benedict _____, Comte de Cornouaïlle
  1. Benedict _____, Comte de CornouaïlleEst 950 - 1026
Facts and Events
Name[1] Benedict _____, Comte de Cornouaïlle
Gender Male
Birth[2] Est 950 Cornouaille, Finistère, France
Marriage to Guinodeon _____, Pornoet
Death[1] 1026
Other? House of Cornouaille
Questionable information identified by WeRelate automation
To fix:Born before father was 8
  1. 1.0 1.1 BENEDICT (-1026)., in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.
  2. His birth year is estimated based on the death year of his father, which was no later than 952 (assuming that no generations are missing).