Person:Betsey Sharp (2)

m. 2 Jan 1797
  1. Lawrence Sharp1797 -
  2. James SharpBet 1800 & 1802 - 1870
  3. Hilletje Sharp1801 -
  4. Joseph SharpAbt 1807 - Bef 1870
  5. Betsey Elizabeth Sharp1811 - 1884
  6. Robert Sharpe1819 - 1889
  7. Speda Sharp1821 - 1896
m. 30 Sep 1827
  1. Solomon Salisbury Gunn1829 - 1897
  2. Mary Ann Gunn1830 - Est 1862
  3. Chauncey T. Gunn1831 - 1888
  4. Comfort Orin Gunn1833 - 1907
  5. Robert Gunn1835 - 1911
  6. Perry A. Gunn1837 - 1890
  7. Samantha Gunn1840 -
  8. Olive Rhoda Gunn1843 - 1892
  9. Sarah Jane Gunn1844 - 1928
  10. Caroline I. Gunn1846 - 1921
  11. Christopher Conrad Gunn1848 - 1922
  12. Hector Willoughby GunnEst 1850 - 1909
  13. Norman A Gunn1851 - 1907
  14. Arminta C. Gunn1854 - 1928
Facts and Events
Name Betsey Elizabeth Sharp
Gender Female
Birth[1][2] 1811 New York, United States
Marriage 30 Sep 1827 Sheffield, Ashtabula, Ohio, United Statesto Westrall Willoughby Gunn
Death? 1884 Vermontville, Eaton, Michigan, United States

Date of marriage recorded: Ashtabula County Marriages Through 1832 From LDS Film #0890264

Betsey was living with daughter Olive in 1870.

1870 Census:
Name: Betsy Gunn
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1811, Age in 1870: 59
Birthplace: Michigan, Home in 1870: Vermontville, Eaton, Michigan
Household Members:
Joseph Finley 29
Olive Finley 28 = daughter
Betsy Gunn 59

Living with son Norman in 1880.

1880 Census:
Name: Betsey Gunn
Home in 1880: Eagle, Clinton, Michigan, Age: 69
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1811, Birthplace: New York
Relation to Head of Household: Mother
Mother's birthplace: Massachusetts
Occupation: Home And Helping
Marital Status: Widowed
Household Members:
Norman E. Gunn 28 = son
Martha J. Gunn 22
Betsey Gunn 69

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  1. Federal census records of 1850 through 1880 give her estimated birth year variously as 1809, 1810, and 1811 (twice). Perhaps 1811 is correct. If that is so, she would have only been 16 at the time of her marriage. Of the many families in the upper Hudson River area who appear in the 1800 and 1810 census records headed by Andrew or Andries Sharp, it is not clear which might be her family. So, we don't really know where she was born.
  2. No evidence that any Scherp/Sharp family resided in Schodack or were members of Schodack Dutch Reformed Church.