Person:Charles IX of France (1)

Charles IX de France
m. 28 Oct 1533
  1. François II de France1544 - 1560
  2. Élisabeth de France1545 - 1568
  3. Claude de France1547 - 1575
  4. Louis de France1549 - 1550
  5. Charles IX de France1550 - 1574
  6. Henri III de France1551 - 1589
  7. Marguerite de Valois1553 - 1615
  8. François de France, duc d'Alençon1555 - 1584
  9. Victoire de France1556 - 1556
  10. Jeanne de France1556 - 1556
m. 26 Nov 1570
  1. Marie Elisabeth of Valois1572 - 1578
  • HCharles IX de France1550 - 1574
  • WMarie Touchet1549 - 1638
  1. Charles de Valois, duc d'Angoulême1573 - 1650
Facts and Events
Name Charles IX de France
Alt Name[2] Charles-Maximilien IX de France
Gender Male
Birth[1] 27 Jun 1550 Saint-Germain-en-Laye, Yvelines, FranceHouse of Valois-Anjou
Marriage 26 Nov 1570 Mézières, Ardennes, Franceto Elisabeth _____, Queen of France
Marriage not married
to Marie Touchet
Death[1] 30 May 1574 Vincennes, Val-de-Marne, France
Reference Number? Q134309

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Charles IX (Charles Maximilien; 27 June 1550 – 30 May 1574) was King of France from 1560 until his death in 1574 from tuberculosis. He ascended the throne of France upon the death of his brother Francis II in 1560.

After decades of tension, war broke out between Protestants and Catholics after the massacre of Vassy in 1562. In 1572, after several unsuccessful peace attempts, Charles ordered the marriage of his sister Margaret of Valois to Henry of Navarre (the future King Henry IV of France), a major Protestant nobleman in the line of succession to the French throne, in a last desperate bid to reconcile his people. Facing popular hostility against this policy of appeasement, Charles allowed the massacre of all Huguenot leaders who gathered in Paris for the royal wedding at the instigation of his mother Catherine de' Medici. This event, the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre, was a significant blow to the Huguenot movement, though religious civil warfare soon began anew. Charles sought to take advantage of the disarray of the Huguenots by ordering the siege of La Rochelle, but was unable to take the Protestant stronghold.

Many of his decisions were influenced by his mother, a fervent Roman Catholic who initially sought peace between Catholics and Protestants but after the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre supported the persecution of Huguenots.

Charles died of tuberculosis in 1574, without legitimate male issue, and was succeeded by his brother Henry III.

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Charles IX of France. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Charles IX of France, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2. Anselme (de Sainte-Marie). Histoire généalogique de la maison royale de France, des pairs et grands officiers de la Couronne. (Paris: la Compagnie des Libraires, 1726-1733)