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Eleazer Ward
d.21 Apr 1676 Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States
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m. Abt 1638
m. 10 Jul 1675
Facts and Events
ELEAZER, Marlborough, youngest s. of William first of the same, m. 10 July, as one has it, but more prob. 5 Aug. 1675, Hannah, d. of Henry Rice; had Hannah, whose birthday is not found, but is nam. in the will of her maternal gr.f. when giv. legacies to mo. and ch. She was prob. posthum. and was k. by the Ind. in Apr. foll. [This doesn't make sense. She wasn't killed since grandfather's will mentioning her was 1686, 10 years later, and if father was killed following April, she wasn't posthumous?] His wid. m. 17 Oct. 1677, Richard Taylor of Sudbury. From "Edmund Rice and his Family" p. 46: Captain Wadsworth and his men marching to the defense of Marlboro turned back without rest to the relief of Sudbury, accompanied by the Marlboro captain and most of his men. They were ambushed near Sudbury where both captains and many of the men were killed. Included in this number was Eleazar Ward, the young husband of Henry Rice's daughter, Hannah..." From "The William Ward Genealogy", 1925, p. 73: "He was killed by by Indians while riding from Marlborough to Sudbury...during King Philip's War." The hill where he was killed bears his name. Mount Ward is "along the the road to Sudbury...2-1/2 miles outside of Marlborough." Killed either 20th or 21st April, 1676. See also the illustration of "Mount Ward" facing page 52 and the reference on page 53. Will of William Ward, April 1686, gave legacy to "Hannah, now wife of Richard Taylor of Sudbury, and also unto Hannah, daughter of the said Hannah by my son Elezer Ward, deceased". References