Person:Ferdinand I of León and Castile (1)

Ferdinand I of León and Castile
d.27 Dec 1065 Castile, Spain
m. Bet abt 1000 and 1010
  1. García Sánchez III of Navarre1016 - 1054
  2. Ferdinand I of León and CastileAbt 1017 - 1065
  3. Gonzalo of Sobrarbe and RibagorzaAbt 1020 - 1043
  4. Jimena of Navarre
  • HFerdinand I of León and CastileAbt 1017 - 1065
  • WSancha of León1013 - 1067
m. 1033
  1. Urraca of Zamora1033/34 - 1101
  2. Sancho II of León and Castile1036 - 1072
  3. Elvira of Toro1038/39 - 1101
  4. Alfonso VI "The Valiant" _____, of CastileBef 1040 - 1109
  5. García II of GaliciaAbt 1040 - Abt 1085
  • HFerdinand I of León and CastileAbt 1017 - 1065
  • W??? _____
  1. Munio Fernandes
Facts and Events
Name Ferdinand I of León and Castile
Alt Name Ferdinand the Great of Castile and Leon Sanchez, I
Alt Name King Ferdinand I of Castile
Alt Name King Ferdinand of Leon
Alt Name Rei Fernando Castilla, I
Alt Name King of Leon And Castile FERDINAND THE GREAT', I
Alt Name King of Leon Ferdinand "the Great" of Leon, I
Gender Male
Birth[1] Abt 1017 Leon, Castilla y Leon, Spain
Alt Marriage Nov 1032 to Sancha of León
Marriage 1033 Castilla, Spainto Sancha of León
Marriage to ??? _____
Death? 27 Dec 1065 Castile, Spain
Burial[2] León
Reference Number? Q296863

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Ferdinand I ( 1015 – 24 December[1] 1065), called the Great (el Magno), was the Count of Castile from his uncle's death in 1029 and the King of León after defeating his brother-in-law in 1037. According to tradition, he was the first to have himself crowned Emperor of Spain (1056), and his heirs carried on the tradition. He was a younger son of Sancho III of Navarre and Muniadona of Castile, and by his father's will recognised the supremacy of his eldest brother, García Sánchez III of Navarre. While Ferdinand inaugurated the rule of the Navarrese Jiménez dynasty over western Spain, his rise to preeminence among the Christian rulers of the peninsula shifted the focus of power and culture westward after more than a century of Leonese decline. Nevertheless, "[t]he internal consolidation of the realm of León–Castilla under Fernando el Magno and [his queen] Sancha (1037–1065) is a history that remains to be researched and written."

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Ferdinand I of León. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. Ferdinand I of León, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2. FERNANDO I "el Magno" King of Castile, in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.