Person:Francis II, Duke of Brittany (1)

François II _____, duc de Bretagne
b.23 Jun 1433
d.9 Sep 1488
m. 13 or 16 Nov 1455
  1. François de Bretagne, Comte de Montfort-l'Amaury1463 - 1463
m. 27 Jun 1471
  1. Anne de Bretagne1477 - 1514
  2. Isabelle de Bretagne1481 - 1490
  • HFrançois II _____, duc de Bretagne1433 - 1488
  • W.  Antoinette de Maignelais (add)
  1. François d'Avaugour dit de Bretagne, Comte de Vertus et de Goello1462 - Aft 1494
  2. Antoine _____, Baron d'Avaugour1463 -
  3. Françoise d'Avaugour1473 - Abt 1498
Facts and Events
Name François II _____, duc de Bretagne
Gender Male
Birth[1] 23 Jun 1433
Marriage 13 or 16 Nov 1455 Vannes, Morbihan, Franceto Marguerite of Brittany
Marriage 27 Jun 1471 Clisson, Loire-Atlantique, Franceto Marguerite de Foix
Marriage not married
to Antoinette de Maignelais (add)
Death[1] 9 Sep 1488
Reference Number? Q352462

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Francis II of Brittany (Breton: Frañsez II, French: François II) (23 June 1433 – 9 September 1488) was Duke of Brittany from 1458 to his death. He was the grandson of John IV, Duke of Brittany. A recurring theme in Francis' life would be his quest to maintain the quasi-independence of Brittany from France. As such, his reign was characterized by conflicts with King Louis XI of France and with his daughter, Anne of France, who served as regent during the minority of her brother, King Charles VIII. The armed and unarmed conflicts from 1465 to 1477 and 1484–1488 have been called the "War of the Public Weal" and the Mad War (la Guerre Folle), respectively.[1]

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Francis II, Duke of Brittany. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. 1.0 1.1 Francis II, Duke of Brittany, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2.   Anselme (de Sainte-Marie). Histoire généalogique de la maison royale de France, des pairs et grands officiers de la Couronne. (Paris: la Compagnie des Libraires, 1726-1733)