Person:Isabella II of Spain (1)

Isabella II of Spain
b.10 Oct 1830
d.10 Apr 1904
Facts and Events
Name Isabella II of Spain
Gender Female
Birth[1] 10 Oct 1830
Marriage to Unknown
Marriage to Francis _____, Duke of Cádiz
Death[1] 10 Apr 1904
Reference Number? Q183085

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Isabella II (; 10 October 1830 – 9 April 1904), was Queen of Spain from 29 September 1833 until 30 September 1868.

Shortly before her birth, the King Ferdinand VII of Spain issued a Pragmatic Sanction to ensure the succession of his firstborn daughter, due to his lack of a son. She came to the throne a month before her third birthday, but her succession was disputed by her uncle the Infante Carlos (founder of the Carlist movement), whose refusal to recognize a female sovereign led to the Carlist Wars. Under the regency of her mother, Spain transitioned from an absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy adopting the Royal Statute of 1834 and Constitution of 1837. Her effective reign was a period marked by palace intrigues, back-stairs and antechamber influences, barracks conspiracies, and military pronunciamientos. She was deposed in the Glorious Revolution of 1868, and formally abdicated in 1870. Her son, Alfonso XII, became king in 1874.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Isabella II of Spain, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.