Person:John I of Castile (1)

John I _____, of Castile
b.24 Aug 1358
d.9 Oct 1390
m. 27 Jul 1350
  1. John I _____, of Castile1358 - 1390
  2. Leonor de Castilla y LeónAft 1363 - 1416
  3. Juana of Castile1367 - 1374
m. 18 Jun 1375
  1. Henry III _____, of Castile1379 - 1406
  2. Ferdinand I _____, of Aragon1380 - 1416
m. 14 May 1383
  1. Migel of Castile1384 - 1385
Facts and Events
Name John I _____, of Castile
Gender Male
Birth[1] 24 Aug 1358 House of Trastámara
Marriage 18 Jun 1375 Soria, Castilla-Leon, Spainto Eleanor of Aragon
Alt Marriage 18 Jun 1375 Soriato Eleanor of Aragon
Marriage 14 May 1383 Badajoz, Badajoz, Extremadura, Spainto Beatriz de Portugal
Death[1] 9 Oct 1390
Reference Number? Q310421

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

John I (; 24 August 1358 – 9 October 1390) was King of Castile and León from 1379 until 1390. He was the son of Henry II and of his wife Juana Manuel of Castile.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 John I of Castile, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.