Person:John Parnell (11)

John Vesey Parnell, 2nd Baron Congleton
b.16 Jun 1805 London, England
d.23 Oct 1883 London, England
m. 17 Feb 1801
  1. Caroline Sophia Parnell - 1858
  2. Emma Jane Parnell1804 - 1884
  3. Mary Letitia Parnell - 1881
  4. John Vesey Parnell, 2nd Baron Congleton1805 - 1883
  5. Henry William Parnell, 3rd Baron Congleton1809 - 1890
  6. George Damer Parnell1810 - 1882
  • HJohn Vesey Parnell, 2nd Baron Congleton1805 - 1883
  • WNancy Cronin - 1832
m. 1831
  • HJohn Vesey Parnell, 2nd Baron Congleton1805 - 1883
  • WKhatoon MoscowAbt 1808 - 1865
m. 21 May 1833
m. 21 Feb 1867
  1. Sarah Cecilia Parnell1868 - 1912
Facts and Events
Name John Vesey Parnell, 2nd Baron Congleton
Gender Male
Birth[1][2][5] 16 Jun 1805 London, EnglandBaker Street
Marriage 1831 Aleppo, Ḥalab, Syriato Nancy Cronin
Marriage 21 May 1833 Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraqto Khatoon Moscow
Marriage 21 Feb 1867 Hackney, Middlesex, EnglandParagon Hall
to Margaret Catherine Ormerod
Death[1][3][5] 23 Oct 1883 London, England53 Great Cumberland Place, Hyde Park
Burial[4][5] 29 Oct 1883 London, EnglandKensal Green Cemetery
Reference Number? Q6251959

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

John Vesey Parnell, 2nd Baron Congleton (16 June 1805 – 23 October 1883) was the son of Sir Henry Brooke Parnell, 1st Baron Congleton (3 July 1776 – 8 June 1842) and Lady Caroline Elizabeth Dawson-Damer (died 16 February 1861).

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at John Parnell, 2nd Baron Congleton. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. 1.0 1.1 John Parnell, 2nd Baron Congleton, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2. Groves, Henry. "Not of the World." Memoir of Lord Congleton
    p. 8, London 1884.
  3. Groves, Henry. "Not of the World." Memoir of Lord Congleton
    p. 128, London 1884.
  4. Groves, Henry. "Not of the World." Memoir of Lord Congleton
    p. 132, London 1884.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Barker, George Fisher Russell. Parnell, Henry Brooke, in Stephen, Leslie, ed, and Sidney, ed Lee. Dictionary of National Biography. (London: Smith, Elder, 1885-1900)
    vol. 43, p. 345.
  6.   John Vesey Parnell, 2nd Baron Congleton, in Lundy, Darryl. The Peerage: A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe.