Person:John of Foix, Viscount of Narbonne (1)

Jean de Foix, vicomte de Narbonne
m. 30 Jul 1436
  1. Gaston de Foix, principe de Viana1444 - 1470
  2. Pierre de Foix1449 - 1490
  3. Jean de Foix, vicomte de Narbonne1450 - 1500
  4. Marguerite de FoixEst 1453 - 1486
  5. Marie de FoixAft 1452 - 1467
  6. Jeanne de FoixAft 1454 - Aft 1476
  7. Catherine de FoixAft 1460 - Bef 1494
  8. Isabel de FoixAbt 1462 -
  9. Leonor de FoixAft 1466 -
  10. Jacques de FoixAbt 1469 - 1500
  11. Giacomo di Foix1470 - 1500
  • HJean de Foix, vicomte de Narbonne1450 - 1500
  • WMarie d'Orléans1457 - 1493
  1. Germaine de Foix1488 - 1538
  2. Gaston de Foix, duc de Nemours1489 - 1512
Facts and Events
Name Jean de Foix, vicomte de Narbonne
Gender Male
Birth[1] 1450
Marriage to Marie d'Orléans
Death[2] 5 Nov 1500 Étampes, Essonne, France
Reference Number? Q520529

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

John of Foix (1450 – 1500, Étampes, France) was a younger son of Count Gaston IV of Foix and Queen Eleanor of Navarre. His elder brother was Gaston, Prince of Viana.[1]

This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at John of Foix, Viscount of Narbonne. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.
  1. John of Foix, Viscount of Narbonne, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2. JEAN de Foix Infante de Navarra, in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.