Person:Louis IX of France (1)

Louis IX _____, of France
Facts and Events
Name Louis IX _____, of France
Gender Male
Birth? 25 Apr 1214 Poissy, Yvelines, Île-de-France, FranceHouse of Capet
Occupation? From 1226 to 1270 FranceKing
Marriage 27 May 1234 , Sens, Yvonne, Franceto Marguerite Berenger, of Provence
Death? 25 Aug 1270 Tunis, Tūnis, TunisiaDied of plague
Burial? Tunis, Tūnis, Tunisiaremains
Alt Burial? 22 May 1271 Saint Denis-de-l'Hôtel, Loiret, Centre, France(finger only)
Other? 15 Aug 1297 Vatican CityCanonization by Pope Bonafice VIII
Reference Number? Q346

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Louis IX (25 April 1214 – 25 August 1270), commonly known as Saint Louis or Louis the Saint, was King of France from 1226 to 1270, and the most illustrious of the Direct Capetians. He was crowned in Reims at the age of 12, following the death of his father Louis VIII. His mother, Blanche of Castile, ruled the kingdom as regent until he reached maturity, and then remained his valued adviser until her death. During Louis' childhood, Blanche dealt with the opposition of rebellious vassals and secured Capetian success in the Albigensian Crusade, which had started 20 years earlier.

As an adult, Louis IX faced recurring conflicts with some of his realm's most powerful nobles, such as Hugh X of Lusignan and Peter of Dreux. Simultaneously, Henry III of England attempted to restore the Angevin continental possessions, but was promptly routed at the Battle of Taillebourg. Louis annexed several provinces, notably parts of Aquitaine, Maine and Provence.

Louis IX enjoyed immense prestige throughout European Christendom. His reign is often remembered as an economic and political golden age for the Kingdom of France during the Middle Ages. He was largely admired by fellow European rulers and was sometimes asked to arbitrate disputes outside of his kingdom.[1]

Louis IX reformed the French legal process, creating a royal justice system in which petitioners could appeal judgements directly to the king. He banned trials by ordeal, tried to end private wars, and introduced the presumption of innocence to criminal procedures. To enforce his new legal system, Louis IX created provosts and bailiffs.

Honoring a vow he had made while praying for recovery during a serious illness, Louis IX led the ill-fated Seventh Crusade and Eighth Crusade against the Muslim dynasties that ruled North Africa, Egypt and the Holy Land. He was captured and ransomed during the Seventh Crusade, and later died of dysentery during the Eighth Crusade. He was succeeded by his son Philip III.

His admirers through the centuries have regarded Louis IX as the ideal Christian ruler. His skill as a knight and engaging manner with the public made him popular, though contemporaries occasionally rebuked him as a "monk king".[2] Despite his liberalizing legal reforms, Louis was a devout Christian and enforced strict Catholic orthodoxy. He passed severe laws punishing blasphemy and targeted France's Jews, including the burning of the Talmud after the Disputation of Paris. He is the only canonized king of France.

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  1.   Louis IX of France, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.
  2.   Penman, Sharon Kay. Falls the Shadow.

    In October 1263 Henry III, Prince Edward "Longshanks" & Simon de Montfort asked Louis to mediate their dispute; Louis agreed in December 1263 & asked all parties to meet at Ameins on January 8, 1264. On the way, in December 1263, Simon fell from his horse & broke his leg, therefor Peter de Monfort & Simon's son Henry de Montfort went to Amiens in Simon's stead. Louis found in favor of Henry on all accounts & annulled the Oxford Provisions completely & totally while upholding the Runnymeade Charter (Magna Charta). It is thought Louis reacted as a King rather than as a judge, & since the barons stipulated that all foreigners were to cease as Henry's councillors, & said foreigners were mostly French, ergo he felt threatened. Louis was not to give judgement on the validity of the Oxford Provisions, if that had been known up front, de Montfort would never have agreed to arbitration. Simon took it as a betrayal by Louis, supposedly a man of "honor".

  3.   Louis IX "King of France" De Valois, in Find A Grave.
  4.   Louis IX, Roi de France, in Lundy, Darryl. The Peerage: A genealogical survey of the peerage of Britain as well as the royal families of Europe.
  5.   LOUIS IX King of France, in Cawley, Charles. Medieval Lands: A prosopography of medieval European noble and royal families.