Person:Nathaniel Gist (3)

Capt. Nathaniel Gist
m. 7 Oct 1704
  1. Christopher Gist1706 - 1759
  2. Capt. Nathaniel Gist1707 - Abt 1787
  3. Edith Gist1709 - 1770
  4. Thomas Gist1712 - 1787
  5. Ruth Gist
  6. Sarah Gist
  7. Jemima Gist
  • HCapt. Nathaniel Gist1707 - Abt 1787
  • WMary Howard1713 - 1755
  1. Capt. Benjamin Gist1730 - 1810
Facts and Events
Name Capt. Nathaniel Gist
Gender Male
Birth[2] 1707 Baltimore County, Maryland
Marriage to Mary Howard
Death[2] Abt 1787 Tennessee, United States
  1.   Mackenzie, George Norbury, and Nelson Osgood Rhoades. Colonial families of the United States of America: in which is given the history, genealogy and armorial bearings of colonial families who settled in the American colonies from the time of the settlement of Jamestown, 13th May, 1607, to the battle of Lexington, 19th April, 1775. (New York, Boston: The Grafton Press, 1907)

    [brothers married sisters: his brother Christopher married Nathaniel's wife's sister]

  2. 2.0 2.1 Jacobs, Moira Ann. Profiles of Patriots: A Biographical Reference of American Revolutionary War. (El Palo Alto, California: AuthorHouse, 2013).

    ... Benjamin's parents were believed to be Nathaniel "Captain" Gist b. c1707 MD d. c1787 TN & Mary Howard b. 1713 d. 1755, daughter of Joshua & Joanna (O'Carroll) Howard of Baltimore Co. MD. ...