Person:Olaf III of Norway (1)

Olaf III Haraldsson, of Norway
b.Abt 1050
d.Sep 1093
  1. Magnus II Haraldsson, of Norway1048 - 1069
  2. Olaf III Haraldsson, of NorwayAbt 1050 - 1093
  1. Magnus III Bareleg Olavsson, of Norway1073 - 1103
Facts and Events
Name Olaf III Haraldsson, of Norway
Alt Name Olav _____
Gender Male
Birth[1] Abt 1050 House of Hardrada
Occupation? From 1067 to 1093 King of Norway
Marriage to Ingrid Svendsdottir
Death[1] Sep 1093
Reference Number? Q316042

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Olaf Haraldsson (Old Norse: Óláfr Haraldsson, Norwegian: Olav Haraldsson; – 22 September 1093), known as Olaf the Peaceful (Old Norse: Óláfr kyrri, Norwegian: Olav Kyrre), was King of Norway (as Olaf III) from 1067 until his death in 1093.

He was present at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in England in 1066 where his father, King Harald Hardrada, saw defeat and was killed in action, an event that directly preceded his kingship. During his rule, Olaf made peace with regards to earlier royal conflicts with the church, strengthened the power of the monarchy, and is traditionally credited with founding the city of Bergen circa 1070. Around 1225, Snorri Sturluson wrote Olav Kyrres saga about King Olaf in the Heimskringla.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Olaf III of Norway, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.