Person:Omurtag Unknown (1)

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Omurtag _____, Great Khan of Bulgaria
d.831 Bulgaria
  1. Omurtag _____, Great Khan of Bulgaria - 831
  • HOmurtag _____, Great Khan of Bulgaria - 831
  1. Zvinitsa _____Bef 831 -
  2. Enravota _____ - Abt 833
  3. Malamir _____, Khan of Bulgaria - 836
Facts and Events
Name[1] Omurtag _____, Great Khan of Bulgaria
Alt Name[1] Omortag _____, King of the Bulgars
Alt Name[1] Омуртаг _____, (Bulgarian)
Alt Name[1] Μορτάγων _____, (Greek)
Alt Name[1] Ομουρτάγ _____, (Greek)
Alt Name[1] _____ _____, aka "the Builder"
Gender Male
Birth[1] Bulgariaborn into House of Krum
Marriage to Unknown
Death[1] 831 Bulgaria
Reference Number? Q276527
  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Omurtag of Bulgaria, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.

    the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

    Omurtag (or Omortag) (; original ) was a Great Khan (Kanasubigi) of Bulgaria from 814 to 831. He is known as "the Builder".

    In the very beginning of his reign he signed a 30-year peace treaty with the neighboring Byzantine Empire which remained in force to the end of his life. Omurtag successfully coped with the aggressive policy of the Frankish Empire to take Bulgaria's north-western lands and suppressed the unrest among several Slavic tribes. He made administrative reforms which increased the power and the authority of the central government. His reign was marked with a strong development of Bulgarian architecture with a number of significant construction projects.

    This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Omurtag of Bulgaria. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.