Person:Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrix of France (1)

Princess Sophie-Hélène-Béatrix of France
b.9 Jul 1786
d.19 Jun 1787
m. 16 May 1770
  1. Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte of France1778 - 1851
  2. Louis-Joseph _____, Dauphin of France1781 - 1789
  3. Louis XVII of France1785 - 1795
  4. Princess Sophie-Hélène-Béatrix of France1786 - 1787
Facts and Events
Name Princess Sophie-Hélène-Béatrix of France
Gender Female
Birth[1] 9 Jul 1786
Death[1] 19 Jun 1787
Reference Number? Q1897565

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Sophie Helena Beatrice of France (Sophie Hélène Béatrice, 9 July 1786 – 19 June 1787) was a French princess, the second daughter and last child of Louis XVI of France and Marie Antoinette. She was styled as Madame Sophie at birth. As the daughter of a King of France, she was a Fille de France until her death in 1787.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Princess Sophie Hélène Béatrix of France, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.