Person:Walram, Count of Jülich (1)

Walram _____, Count of Jülich
b.Bet 1240 and 1245
  1. Walram _____, Count of JülichBet 1240 & 1245 - 1297
  2. William of JülichAbt 1240 - 1278
  3. Gerhard V of JülichBef 1250 - 1328
  4. Mathilde von Jülich - Bef 1279
Facts and Events
Name Walram _____, Count of Jülich
Gender Male
Birth[1] Bet 1240 and 1245
Marriage to Marie of Brabant-Aarschot
Death[1] 1297
Reference Number? Q137951

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Walram, Count of Jülich (1240/45 – c. August 1297, after Battle of Furnes) was the second son of William IV, Count of Jülich and Richardis of Guelders, daughter of Gerard III, Count of Guelders.

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  1. 1.0 1.1 Walram, Count of Jülich, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.