Person:William McCutcheon (8)

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William McCutcheon, of the Calfpasture, Augusta County, VA
b.Est 1724 prob. Ireland
d.Bef 18 Mar 1788 Rockbridge County, Virginia
m. Bef 1708
  1. John McCutcheon, Pioneer of Beverley Manor, Augusta County, VAAbt 1708 - Aft 1788
  2. James McCutcheon, Sr., of the Calfpasture, Augusta County, VAEst 1712 - 1759
  3. Samuel McCutcheon, of North Mountain and the Borden Tract, Augusta County, VAEst 1715 - Aft 1797
  4. Robert McCutcheon, of the Calfpasture, Augusta County, VAAbt 1722 - Bef 1801
  5. William McCutcheon, of the Calfpasture, Augusta County, VAEst 1724 - Bef 1788
  • HWilliam McCutcheon, of the Calfpasture, Augusta County, VAEst 1724 - Bef 1788
  • WJanet _____Est 1725 - Bef 1789
m. Abt 10 Sep 1763
Facts and Events
Name William McCutcheon, of the Calfpasture, Augusta County, VA
Gender Male
Birth? Est 1724 prob. Ireland
Marriage Abt 10 Sep 1763 Augusta County, Virginiato Janet _____
Death? Bef 18 Mar 1788 Rockbridge County, Virginia

William McCutcheon was one of the Early Settlers of Augusta County, Virginia


McCutchen Tapestry
YDNA. McCutchen
McCutchen Registers

……………………..The Tapestry
Families Old Chester OldAugusta Germanna
New River SWVP Cumberland Carolina Cradle
The Smokies Old Kentucky


Advisory on William McCutcheon

This William McCutcheon is likely the one that had acquired land in Beverley Manor in the early 1740's and later migrated to the Calfpasture with his brothers Robert and James McCutcheon. He received a patent from William Beverley in the Calfpasture in 1746, as shown below:

Early Land Acquisition in Augusta County, VA

Acquisition of Land from Chalkley's:

  • William McCutcheon was granted 585 acres by William Beverley "on Smith's Creek, a branch of little Calfpasture" on 10 Nov. 1746, as listed in the records in "dispositions" below. His brother Robert McCutcheon had land adjoining this property before 10 November 1761.
  • Page 233.--7th August, 1765. John Scott and Catherine, William Davis and Mary, to William McCutchen, £105, 200 acres in Borden's tract; corner Francis Randolson, James Anderson's line; corner said Andersen's and Andrew Hays'; corner Thomas Paxton; corner Samuel Daviss. Teste: Andrew Hays, Samuel McDowell, Samuel Henderson, William Patton.
  • Page 328.--4th November, 1767. James McCutchan, planter, to William McCutchan, £15.19.8, one still and furniture. Teste: Samuel and John McCutchan. (Note: James McCutcheon was William McCutcheon's brother).

Disposition of Land from Chalkley's:

  • Page 156.--28th May, 1755. William McCutchen to Thos. Meek, plantationer, £40, 310 acres on Little River in Calf Pasture, part of William's 895 acre tract; corner Ro. McCutchon. Teste: David and Walter Coningham.
  • Page 235.--18th February, 1761. William McCutcheon (Cutchin) to Joans Henderson, £80, 314 acres, part of 585 acres conveyed to William by Beverley, 10th November, MDCCLXVI (1746 ?) recorded in the Secretary's office, on Smith's Creek, a branch of little Calfpasture; cor. Francis Fulton; cor. John Johnston. Delivered: John King, August, 1764.
  • Page 239.--18th February, 1761. William McCutchin to Francis Fulton, £63.10, 271 acres, part of 585 acres conveyed to William by Beverley, 10th November, 1746, recorded in Secretary's office, as above, on Smith's Creek; cor. Robert McCutchin.
  • Page 187.--19th April, 1763. William McCutchan to James Risk, £50, 169 acres at mouth of Cedar Creek on Jackson's River, an island of the river. Teste: Adam and William Dean.

Will of William McCutcheon

From Rockbridge County, Virginia Records:

In the name of God amen, I William McCutchan of the County of Rockbridge and State of Virginia freeholder being old and weak of body but of sound mind and perfect memory thanks to God therefore knowing my mortality that it is apointed for all men once to die and after that the judgement Imprimatur I recommend my soul to God who gave it and my body to the earth to be buried in a Christian manner at the discration of my executors and as touching what worldly estate it hath pleased God to indow me with in this life I bequeth and dispoas of in the folowing manner, Viz:
1st I leave and bequeth to my well beloved wife Janet the plantation on which I now live and all my hous furniture and planishing and one half of my stock during her life
2nd the other half of my stock to be sold and the money arising therefrom shall be divided ~ually to my three brothers and their sons Viz: James, Robert, and Samuel McCutchan
3 the said plantation and planishing after her deces shall be sold and the price thereof shall be eaquly divided to the familys as aforesaid to James, Robert, and Samuel and sons
4th my plantation on Pine Run I order to be sold and the money arising therefrom shall be divided as foloeth the one half to be equaly divided to Jameses son William and Roberts son William and the other half to Samuels son William
5th I leave and bequeth to my brother John all my wearing aperral- and do hereby renounce, revoack, and disanul all other wills legacies or bequests by mee at aney time heretofore by me maid or done and I do confirm this and no other to be my last will and testament in testamone whereof I have hereunto set my hand seal and I do hereby constitute an ordain John McCutchan, Roberts son and John McCutchen, Samuels son to be executors of this my last will and testament.
Witness my hand and seal this 18th day of march 1788.
William McCutchen
Teste: Samuel McCutchan John McCutchin, Capt William McCutchan
At a court held for Rockbridge County July 7dt-1789 the within writing purporting the last will and testament of William McCutchen dec' d was presented in court by John McCutchen & John McCutchen executors therein named. Samuel McCutchen & William McCutchen legatees in & witnesses to the said will also appeared in court and relinquished their said legacies whereon they were admitted by their oaths to prove the same and it was ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of said executors who made oath according to law Certificate is granted them for obtaining probate thereof in due form they having together with Andrew Moore and Job Fletcher their securities entrusted into and acknowledged bond in the sum of L2000 Conditional according to law.
Teste: Adam Freeman

Processioning List of 1748

"Processioning" was the periodic review and agreement of property lines between settler's lands. Processioning Lists are useful in determining the general area of a settlers lands and their neighbors at specific time periods:
  • Page 27.--James Carlyle and Wm. McCutcheon make return, viz: Processioned for Wm. McCutcheon, present James Waughub; processioned for Robert McCutcheon; processioned for James McCutcheon; processioned for Robert Bratton, present John Stevenson; processioned for Wm. Ellett, present Samuel Gay; processioned for James Gay, present John Carlyle; processioned for Thomas Smith, present Wm. Smith.

Records in Augusta County, VA

From Chalkley's:

  • Page 552.--28th February, 1749-50. Same to William Smith, 400 acres at foot of Brown Hill; Smith's Creek of Calfpasture; the Brown Hill; William McCutchin's land. Delivered: Samuel Henderson, March, 1756. Teste: John Brown, William Elliott.
  • Page 136.--19th April, 1749. Patrick Cook's inventory and appraisement by Wm. McPheeters, Wm. McCutchen, Wm. Ledgerwood, Jno. Trimble.
  • Page 227.--15th May, 1754. Beverley to Joseph Vachub. 378 acres in Calfpasture, on the head of Meeting Branch, cor. to meeting house land Thomas Smith's land; William McCutcheon's land.
  • Page 289.--16th May, 1754. Same (from Wm. Beverley) to John Ward. 246 acres in Calf Pasture on head of Grassy Lick Run; corner Wm. McCutchin's and Johnson's land; Meeting House Run; corner John Johnson.
  • Page 547.--19th March, 1755. Robert Bratton to Wm. Smith. Consideration, 361 acres, made over to Ro. by Beverley by deed, dated herewith, and 24 shillings; 400 acres granted by Beverley to Robert. 14th October, 1748, recorded in secretary's office, foot of the Brown hill in Wm. McCutchen's land.
  • Page 550.--16th March, 1758. Wm. Smith to Thomas Meek, £10, 200 acres, foot of Brown Hill in line of Wm. McCutchen. Teste: Jno. Clark, Adam Dickenson. Delivered: George Wilson, August, 1758.
  • Page 305.--14th May, 1760. Thomas ( ) Meek, farmer, to James Risk, £10, 200 acres at foot of the Brown Hill, Wm. McCutchen's land. Teste: Jno. Clark, Jno. Kirkpatrick, James Hunter. Delivered: Samuel Craig, 12th May, 1785.
  • Page 213.--18th February, 1761. John Ward to Joseph Waughub, £__, 246 acres in Calfpasture on head of Grassy Lick Run, top of Black Oak Hill; cor. Wm. McCutchin's and Johnson's land, Meeting House Run; cor. John Johnson's land.
  • Page 158.--17th August, 1762. Andrew Duncan's appraisement, by Wm. Edmondson, Jno. Edmondson, Saml. Buchanan, recorded.
  • Page 247.--18th May, 1762. Jannet Duncan's bond (with John Handly) as guardian (appointed) to James Duncan, orphan of Andrew Duncan. (Note: Janet Duncan married William Edmondson after the death of her first husband, Andrew Duncan).
  • Vol. 2 - Marriage Bond in Augusta County, VA - 1763 - September 10, William McCutchen. (Note: there were two Marriage Bonds for two different William McCutcheon's in 1763. According to other sources, the other William McCutcheon and Eleanor Fulton had their Marriage Bond just five weeks earlier, on 2 August 1763. Both are listed in Chalkley's records.)
  • Page 165.--19th August, 1765. Margret ( ) Risk. Jr., relict to James Risk. deceased, to John Risk, Jr., £__, 200 acres at foot of Brown Hill in line of Wm. McCutchen's land. Teste: John Risk, John Worick, Moses Moore. Delivered: Jno. Risk, Jr., 19th November, 1770
  • Vol. 1 - NOVEMBER 19, 1766.- (344) Wm. McCutcheon appointed guardian of John Duncan, orphan of James Duncan.
  • Page 480.--19th November, 1766. William McCutchen's bond (with Andw. Hays) as guardian (appointed) to Jno. Duncan. orphan of James Duncan.
  • Vol. 1 - NOVEMBER, 1767 (E). - Edwards vs. McCutchan and Wife.--Contract between Andrew Duncan of Augusta and David Edwards, late of said County dated 1760. (Note: the defendants in this case were William McCutcheon and his wife Jane, formerly the widow of Andrew Duncan).
  • Vol. 1 - NOVEMBER, 1767 (E). - Edwards vs. McCutchen and wife.--A memorandum of a bargain made between Andrew Duncan and David Edwards: That the above Andrew Duncan, of Augusta County, has bargained with David Edward, clothier, late of the County aforesaid, for him to set up a fulling mill, with all the utensils for to work with belonging to the trade, or mystery, of a fuller, &c., &c. And said Andrew Duncan is to vittle the said David Edwards during the space of three years, in which the said David Edwards is to enter upon the premises, and said Andrew Duncan is to pay to said David Edwards £60 at the expiration of the time, £30 in money and £30 in cattle. The said David Edwards is to learn the said Andrew Duncan and one of his own family the mystery, or trade, of a fuller in the terms above mentioned, and Edwards is to have a house raised for his wife. (Signed) Andrew Duncan, David (his mark) Edwards. 6th March, 1760. Test, David Syer, James Pollock.
  • Vol. 1 - APRIL 16, 1788. - (504) William McCutchen and Jane, late Jane Duncan, admx. of Andrew Duncan, to be summoned to render account of the estate.
  • Page 180.--23d April, 1789. Jennate McCutchen's will--To James Brownlee, Sr., two-thirds of her share of Wm. McCutchan's estate; to the rest of her legatees, tract on Pine Run patented in name of Wm. McCutchan. Teste: John, William, Alexander Brownlee. Proved, 15th September, 1789, by William and Alexander Brownlee. Executor qualifies. (Note: Jean McCutcheon was the wife of this William McCutcheon).
  • Page 414 - - 18th March, 1791. Agreement between James Brownlee, John McCutchan, and John McCutchan, Jr. (Teste: James Wardlaw, Samuel McCutchan, Asher Waterman). Commissioners appointed of James Brownlee, administrator of Andrew Duncan, to examine the accounts of the estate, report that they find the accounts in confusion on account of the marriate of Andrew Duncan's widow with William McCutchan, and also confused the accounts of above McCutchan, Jr. and Sr., administrators of William McCutchan, who is dead; they agree to leave all questions (including estate of the deceased wife of both Duncan and McCutchan) to these, viz: Zachariah Johnston, Jno. Tate, Joseph Bell, Jr.; Michael Coulter, John Cunningham. The(y) report there is the sum of (pounds) 21.12.9 coming to each legatee of Duncan. Elizabeth Buchanan has received (pounds) 34.6.1, Mary Craig has received (pounds) 26.11, Janet Edminston (pounds) 26.6/0, Jane McKiney (pounds) 22, Florence Brownlee (pounds) 23.10/0. Jane McKinney shall receive 4 pounds more than others due from David Craig and that his receipt be delivered to Mr. John McKinney for that purpose.
  • Vol. 1 -= MARCH, 1796 (A to C). - Buchanan vs. McCutchen.--Deed by Alexander Douglas to Andrew Duncan conveys a tract in Beverley Manor, 233 acres, joining Patrick Campbell's and Charles Campbell's and Brownlee's land, and a tract known as the Pine Run, where Francis Beatty once lived, 230 acres. Dated 16th October, 1746. Witnesses: Robert and John Cunningham. Suit between Samuel Buchanan and Elizabeth, his wife; David Craig and Mary, his wife; John Edmonson and Jennet, his wife; John McKinny and Jane, his wife; James Brownlee and Florence, his wife, vs. William McCutchen, John McCutchen and John McCutchen, Jr., heirs-at-law of Wm. McCutchen;--Spa. 23d July, 1791. Writ, redocketing, 27th September, 1793. Whereas, I, Andrew Duncan, of Lincoln County, have authorized and given to James Brownlee, Sr., of Augusta County, power of attorney to convey a tract of land on Pine Run, joining Hugh Torbet and William Brownlee and John Shields, which McCutchen claims by caveat from Andrew Duncan, heir by law. 25th May, 1785. Witnesses: Alexander Brownlee, Jr., and John Brownlee. James Brownlee and Florence Brownlee, heirs-at-law of Andrew Duncan, deceased; all the above wives were daughters of Andrew Duncan, deceased, who left also a son, Andrew. Andrew, Sr.'s widow was Jannet. Andrew, Jr., was dead, 1791, intestate. Widow Jannet married William McCutchen. Alexander Douglas bought the land from Francis Beatty. William McCutchen was dead, 1791, as also Jannet. Francis Beatty first improved the land. Francis Beatty, shortly after making his entry, went to Carolina. William McCutchen entered a caveat versus Beatty and obtained judgment in 1769 and a patent in 1773. William Alexander deposes that in 1766, November, he was with William McCutchen at Williamsburg, when William McCutchen told him he had put in a friendly caveat to save the land for Andrew Duncan's children.

Records in Rockbridge County, VA

  • William McCutcheon had his estate probated. William left 1/4 proceeds sale "Pine Run" to Willliam (son of bro. James) & Wm (son of bro. Robert) & 1/2 to Wm (Elder Billy) (son of bro. Samuel) in 1788 in Augusta Co., Virginia.
  • William McCutcheon's estate probated appraisment on 4 Dec 1792 in Rockbridge Co, Virginia. (1) William McCutchen, appraisement Bk. I, p. 426 total 132/14/11/12 4 mares, 1 colt, 1 horse, 1 cow and bell, 1 heifer, 6 sheep, 2OO A land at L 100,1 dove chest, 1 cubbert, plowirons, Dutch oven, 1 pr. stillyard, chist and table, 1 saddle and bags, 1 pr. nippers, to Flavels Vollums L 1, 13 bu. Wheat. 1 side or tanned leather, 1 ager. 3 tierses, 1 bedstead, To Sicles, Signed by. WIlL. Walker James Dackerly John Telford At a court for Rockbridge County 4 Dec 1792, ordered recorded. A. Reid C. S.
  • William McCutcheon's estate probated - Settlement on 29 Aug 1799 in Rockbridge Co, Virginia. (1) William McCutchen, settlement WB 2, p. 183 - 1799 August 29 to amount or vandue bill Contra 128.7.5 1. by James Dougherty tor crying the sale 2.7.6 by 2 bonds on James Dougherty 40.0.0 taxes, administration, balance on note 128.7.11 a clerk's note forgot 4.16.0 Balllance due .57.1.6 3/4 This day the above named exors. made oath berore that the above statement is Just, given in our hands 29 Aug 1799. John Gay, James Campbell, 3 Jan 1800 ordered recorded. Teste. A. Reid G. R. C.