Place:Adforton, Herefordshire, England

Alt namesAdforton Stanway Paytoe and Grangesource: Family History Library Catalog
Alfertintunesource: Domesday Book (1985) p 129
Coordinates52.333°N 2.867°W
Located inHerefordshire, England
Also located inHereford and Worcester, England     (1974 - 1998)
Herefordshire, England     (1998 - )
See alsoWigmore Hundred, Herefordshire, Englandhundred of which the parish was a part
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog

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Adforton is a small village and a civil parish in north Herefordshire, England. It is on the A4110 main road approximately north of Hereford and of Wigmore, and is close to the Wales border.

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