Place:Barbon, Westmorland, England

Located inWestmorland, England
Also located inCumbria, England    
source: Family History Library Catalog

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Barbon is a village and civil parish in the South Lakeland district of Cumbria, England. According to the 2001 census it had a population of 263, reducing to 236 at the 2011 Census. The church is dedicated to St Bartholomew. The village is about north of Kirkby Lonsdale and north of Casterton. Barbon Beck flows through, and takes its name from, the village before flowing into the River Lune. The A683 road passes to the west of the village between Kirkby Lonsdale and Sedbergh. The village has been within the Yorkshire Dales National Park since 1 August 2016.

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