Place:Brockworth, Gloucestershire, England

Alt namesBrocowardingesource: Domesday Book (1985) p 112
Coordinates51.85°N 2.15°W
Located inGloucestershire, England
See alsoDudstone and Kings Barton (hundred), Gloucestershire, Englandhundred in which the parish was located
Gloucester (district), Gloucestershire, Englanddistrict municipality in which it has been located since 1974
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog
the following text is based on an article in Wikipedia

Brockworth is a village in Gloucestershire, England, situated on the old Roman road that connects the City of Gloucester with Barnwood, Hucclecote and Cirencester. During World War II its Gloster Aircraft Company produced the famous Hawker Hurricane fighter, and following the war it gained renewed fame for producing several notable aircraft, including Britain's first jet aircraft, which was test flown here.


Brockworth was the third in a series of rural villages located along an old Roman road following a more-or-less straight line to the inland port city of Gloucester. Its original semi-remote location made it ideal for the location of an aircraft factory (now the Gloucester Business Park) where aeroplanes could be built and tested without worries about noise. Land availability also made the area ideal for a flight test airfield.

For more information, see the EN Wikipedia article Brockworth.

Registration Districts

Gloucester (1837 - 1937)
Gloucester Rural (1937 - 1974)
Gloucester (post-1974) (1974 - 2006)
Gloucestershire 2006 - )

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