Place:Bromfield Parish, Culpeper, Virginia, United States

NameBromfield Parish
Alt namesBloomfield Parish
St. Mark's Parishsource: unitl 1752
Located inCulpeper, Virginia, United States     (1752 - )
Also located inMadison, Virginia, United States     (1792 - )
Rappahannock, Virginia, United States     (1833 - )


This parish was formed from St. Mark's Parish in 1752. At that time, it was part of Culpeper County.

When Madison County was formed from Culpeper County in 1792, Bromfield Parish became its parish. Scanning some of the other results, it appears that Bromfield Parish may have contained a portion of Culpeper County even after Madison County was cut away from Culpeper.

In 1833, its boundaries were increased to cover Rappahannock County.

For many years, it was incorrectly called Bloomfield Parish.

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