Place:Hayneville, Lowndes, Alabama, United States


Alt namesBig Swampsource: USGS, GNIS Digital Gazetteer (1994) GNIS1009629
Coordinates32.182°N 86.581°W
Located inLowndes, Alabama, United States
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog

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Hayneville is a town in Lowndes County, Alabama, United States and its county seat. At the 2010 census the population was 932, down from its record high of 1,177 in 2000. It is also part of the Montgomery Metropolitan Statistical Area. It initially incorporated in 1831, but lapsed, finally reincorporating in 1967. Before 1970, the town appeared only twice on the U.S. Census: in 1850 and 1890. The 1850 estimate of 800 residents ranked it as the largest town in the county at the time.

Located in the fertile Black Belt region, Hayneville was the county seat in a plantation economy after Native Americans where removed that used slave labor for cotton production. The town was later a railway terminus and home to the Hayneville Railway Company, which was organized in 1903. Two years later, the company was reorganized as the Hayneville & Montgomery Railroad Company and provided connections for shipping with the L&N Railroad Company's tracks.

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