Place:Kau, Hawaii, Hawaii, United States


Located inHawaii, Hawaii, United States
source: Family History Library Catalog

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Kaū is the southernmost and largest district (922 sq. miles or 2,388 km2) of Hawaii County, Hawaii, located on the island of .

Kaū was one of the six original districts of ancient Hawaii on the island, known as moku. It includes the areas of South Point (Ka Lae), Hawaiian Ocean View Estates (HOVE), Hawaiian Ocean View Ranchos (HOVR), now together known as Ocean View, Nīnole, , and Pāhala.

The district contains much of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, including the volcanoes Kīlauea and Mauna Loa, and , Papakōlea (Green Sand) Beach and Kamilo Beach. To the east of Kaū is the Puna District, and to the west is the South Kona District.

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