Place:Liberton (village), Midlothian, Scotland

NameLiberton (village)
Coordinates55.9144°N 3.1619°W
Located inMidlothian, Scotland     ( - 1975)
See alsoEdinburgh, Midlothian, Scotlandcity of which Liberton is a suburb
source: Family History Library Catalog

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Liberton is a suburb of Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. It is in the south of the city, south of The Inch, east of the Braid Hills, north of Gracemount and west of Moredun.

Incorporated into the city in 1920, the area was once home to Arthur Conan Doyle, who lived in a small cottage near the Braid Burn, which is now inside the grounds of the Cameron Toll Shopping Centre car park and is now a small school.

Increased development in the area from the mid 1970’s to current times has seen Liberton develop into a popular choice for homeowners with areas such as Double Hedges, Alnwickhill and Howdenhall often representing better value for money than locations closer to the city centre.

In recent years once thriving community pubs and hotels have closed with the likes of the Liberton Inn, Northfield House Hotel and The Marmion, formerly The Captains Cabin, all having been converted to or planning permission being sought for retail premises or flats.

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Note: In addition to the suburb of Liberton discussed here, there is also a Parish of Libberton in Lanarkshire.

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