Place:Mansfield, Tolland, Connecticut, United States


Coordinates41.78849°N 72.22929°W
Located inTolland, Connecticut, United States     (1703 - )
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog

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Mansfield is a town in Tolland County, Connecticut, United States. The population was 25,892 at the 2020 census.

Pequot and Mohegan people lived in this region for centuries before the arrival of English settler-immigrants in the late 17th century. Mansfield was incorporated in October 1702 from the Town of Windham, in Hartford County. The community was named after Major Moses Mansfield, a part owner of the town site. When Windham County was formed on 12 May 1726, Mansfield then became part of that county. A century later, at a town meeting on 3 April 1826, selectmen voted to ask the General Assembly to annex Mansfield to Tolland County. That occurred the following year.

The town of Mansfield contains the community of Storrs, which is home to the main campus of the University of Connecticut and the associated Connecticut Repertory Theatre.

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