Place:Newton Lordship, Monmouthshire, Wales


NameNewton Lordship
Located inMonmouthshire, Wales


A Lordship indicated title to a holding, that which referred to the part of a lord's demesne farmed by the lord himself, or by his servants on his behalf, as opposed to the land of the peasants.

the text in this section is based on an article in Wikipedia

On the border between England and Wales was a series of "marcher lordships" which were set up in Norman times to protect the borderlands of England from marauding groups of Welshmen. Marcher lordships were often awarded to English lords who ruled the area as independent fiefdoms. Under the Laws in Wales Acts 1535–1542 introduced under Henry VIII, the jurisdiction of the marcher lords was abolished in 1536. The Acts had the effect of annexing Wales to England and creating a single state and legal jurisdiction, commonly referred to as "England and Wales."


PlaceType of Place Notes
Shire Newton parish (ancient), civil parish