Place:Noubarya, Egypt

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Located inEgypt

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New Nubariya is a town in Egypt, approximately north of Cairo.

New Nubariya consists of two residential areas, the first residential area has 960 housing units, and the second area hasa thousand units, and it contains three major mosques. During the year 2008, President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak launched the Build My Home project, which contributed to increasing the residential areas of the city, through the implementation of 3 neighborhoods named A, B and C on the western side of the Sumed pipeline to transport oil.

The settlement was founded in 1987 as part of an irrigation scheme using water from the Nile.

The population of the new Nubaria is 4,280 people, including 2,223 males and 2,057 females, according to the 2006 official census.

In Nubaria city, there are a group of factories with different activities, such as agricultural crop packing and food processing.

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