Place:São Roque do Pico, Pico, Açores, Portugal


NameSão Roque do Pico
Coordinates38.5253°N 28.3225°W
Located inPico, Açores, Portugal
source: Family History Library Catalog

the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

Pico Island (Ilha do Pico, ), is an island in the Central Group of the Portuguese Azores. The landscape features an eponymous volcano, Ponta do Pico, which is the highest mountain in Portugal, the Azores, and the highest elevation of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. In the tradition of the Portuguese poet, Raul Brandão, Pico is referred to as the 'Ilha Preta' ("Black Island"), for its black volcanic soils, which nourish its UNESCO-designated vineyards that once allowed the development of the island's economy. Pico is the second largest and, geologically speaking, the most recently formed island of the Azores, being around 300,000 years old.

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