Place:Tal Afar, Ninawa, Iraq


NameTal Afar
Alt namesTalafarsource: Wikipedia
Telehfersource: Wikipedia
TypeCity or town
Located inNinawa, Iraq

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Tal Afar is a city in the Nineveh Governorate of northwestern Iraq, located 63 km (39 mi) west of Mosul,[1] 52 km (32 mi) east of Sinjar and 200 km (124 mi) northwest of Kirkuk. Its local inhabitants are exclusively Turkmen.

While no official census data exists, the city, which had previously been estimated to have a population of approximately 200,000, had dropped to 80,000 as of 2007. Tal Afar's population is about 75 percent Sunni Turkmen, while a quarter are Shia Turkmen.

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