Place:Torksey, Lincolnshire, England

Alt namesDorchesygsource: Domesday Book (1985) p 176
Torcheseysource: Domesday Book (1985) p 176
Torcheseygsource: Domesday Book (1985) p 176
Torchesigsource: Domesday Book (1985) p 176
Torchesiysource: Domesday Book (1985) p 176
Torchesygsource: Domesday Book (1985) p 176
Coordinates53.3°N 0.75°W
Located inLincolnshire, England
Also located inWest Lindsey District, Lincolnshire, England     (1974 - )
See alsoGainsborough Rural, Lindsey, Englandrural district in which it was located 1894-1974
source: Getty Thesaurus of Geographic Names
source: Family History Library Catalog

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Torksey is a small village in the West Lindsey district of Lincolnshire, England. The population of the civil parish at the 2011 census was 875. It is situated on the A156 road, south of Gainsborough and north-west of the city of Lincoln, and on the eastern bank of the tidal River Trent, which here forms the boundary with Nottinghamshire.

It is notable historically as the site of a Roman canal, a major Viking camp, the late medieval Torksey Castle and the Torksey Viaduct.

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