Place:Wistow, Leicestershire, England

TypeTownship, Parish (ancient), Civil parish
Coordinates52.557°N 1.057°W
Located inLeicestershire, England
See alsoGartree Hundred, Leicestershire, Englandhundred in which the parish was included
Billesdon Rural, Leicestershire, Englandrural district of which it was part 1894-1974
Harborough District, Leicestershire, Englanddistrict municipality covering the area since 1974
source: Family History Library Catalog
NOTE: There are also parishes named Wistow formerly in Huntingdonshire and now in Cambridgeshire and Wistow formerly in the West Riding of Yorkshire and now in North Yorkshire.

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Wistow is a civil parish in the Harborough District of southeast Leicestershire, England, and lies seven miles southeast of the city of Leicester in the valley of the River Sence. Since 1936 it has included most of the former civil parish of Newton Harcourt which, ecclesiastically, is a chapelry of Wistow. The settlement of Wistow itself is a hamlet and deserted medieval village. The population of the civil parish at the 2011 census was 256.

For more information, see the EN Wikipedia article Wistow, Leicestershire.

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