Source:Anjou, Gustave. Topping Family

Source Topping family
Author Anjou, Gustave
Surname Topping
Subject History
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Genealogical Society of Utah
Date issued 1973
Place issued Salt Lake City, Utah
Anjou, Gustave. Topping family. (Salt Lake City, Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1973).
Family History Library

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Available at the Family History Library.

FHL film numbers

  • 924086 Item 4


Cautionary Notice

Gustav Anjou (1863–1942), born Gustave Ludwig Jungberg, was a self-professed genealogist who has been accused of fakery. Scholarly investigation of Anjou’s findings has revealed flawed research with the intent to defraud. Anjou’s findings are not respected in professional genealogical circles. It is advised that researchers using genealogies and family histories authored by him be carefully scrutinized before taken as legitimate.

Please review the following links to learn more about Gustav Anjou: