Source:Daughters of the American Revolution. Lineage Book of the Daughters of the American Revolution

Source Lineage book of the Daughters of the American Revolution
Author Daughters of the American Revolution
Place United States
Subject History
Publication information
Type Book
Publisher Daughters of the American Revolution
Date issued 1891-1939
Place issued Washington, District of Columbia
Number of Volumes 166
Daughters of the American Revolution. Lineage book of the Daughters of the American Revolution. (Washington, District of Columbia: Daughters of the American Revolution, 1891-1939).
Family History CenterLineage Book catalog recordFamily history center
Google BooksMain Search PageFree website
Internet ArchiveMain Search PageFree website
HathiTrustLineage Book catalog recordArchive/Library


Validity for Sources

These volumes are what would be considered tertiary sources as they do not have any references for their lineage claims. Until physical records became more readily available to the general public, word of mouth would have been more than acceptable on a DAR application. Many of the women in the earlier publications would have most likely known their grandfathers or great-grandfathers, which were of an age to have conceivably fought in the American Revolution. Until these lineages are proven by primary sources, caution should be taken about their viability.

Some of these lineages may have been verified by DAR. To find out about valid lineages, contact the DAR Library's Search Service.

Links to Volumes

The following are direct links to volumes which may be viewed online for free. If you have a specific descendant's membership number, the range is provided after the volume name. The number in parentheses is the date of membership (not the date of publication).

Index of the Rolls of honor (ancestor's index) in the Lineage books of the National society of the Daughters of the American revolution, Vols 1-40
Index of the Rolls of honor (ancestor's index) in the Lineage books of the National society of the Daughters of the American revolution, Vols 41-80

Vol 1, 001-818 (1890-91) Vol 43 Vol 85 Vol 127
Vol 2, 819-2000 (1892) Vol 44, 43001-44000 (1903) Vol 86 Vol 128
Vol 3, 2001-3000 (1893) Vol 45 Vol 87 Vol 129
Vol 4, 3001-4000 (1893) Vol 46 Vol 88 Vol 130
Vol 5, 4001-5000 (1893-94 Vol 47 Vol 89 Vol 131
Vol 6, 5001-6000 (1894) Vol 48, 47001-48000 (1904) Vol 90 Vol 132
Vol 7, 6001-7000 (1894) Vol 49, 48001-49000 (1904) Vol 91 Vol 133
Vol 8, 7001-8000 (1895) Vol 50, 49001-50000 (1904) Vol 92 Vol 134
Vol 9, 8001-9000 (1895) Vol 51, 50001-51000 (1904) Vol 93 Vol 135
Vol 10, 9001-10000 (1895) Vol 52, 51001-52000 (1905) Vol 94 Vol 136, 135001-136000 (1917, pub. 1934)
Vol 11, 10001-11000 (1895) Vol 53 Vol 95 Vol 137
Vol 12, 11001-12000 (1896) Vol 54 Vol 96 Vol 138
Vol 13, 12001-13000 (1896) Vol 55, 54001-55000 (1906) Vol 97 Vol 139
Vol 14, 13001-14000 (1896) Vol 56 Vol 98 Vol 140
Vol 15, 14001-15000 (1896) Vol 57, 56001-57000 (1906) Vol 99 Vol 141
Vol 16, 15001-16000 (1896) Vol 58 Vol 100 Vol 142
Vol 17, 16001-17000 (1896) Vol 59, 58001-59000 (1906) Vol 101 Vol 143
Vol 18, 17001-18000 (1897) Vol 60, 59001-60000 (1906) Vol 102 Vol 144
Vol 19, 18001-19000 (1897) Vol 61 Vol 103 Vol 145
Vol 20, 19001-20000 (1897) Vol 62 Vol 104 Vol 146
Vol 21 Vol 63 Vol 105 Vol 147
Vol 22, 21001-22000 (1897) Vol 64 Vol 106 Vol 148
Vol 23, 22001-23000 (1898) Vol 65 Vol 107 Vol 149
Vol 24, 23001-24000 (1898) Vol 66 Vol 108 Vol 150
Vol 25, 24001-25000 (1898) Vol 67 Vol 109 Vol 151
Vol 26, 25001-26000 (1898) Vol 68 Vol 110 Vol 152
Vol 27 Vol 69 Vol 111 Vol 153
Vol 28, 27001-28000 (1899) Vol 70 Vol 112 Vol 154
Vol 29 Vol 71 Vol 113 Vol 155
Vol 30, 29001-30000 (1899) Vol 72 Vol 114 Vol 156
Vol 31, 30001-31000 (1900) Vol 73 Vol 115 Vol 157
Vol 32, 31001-32000 (1900) Vol 74 Vol 116 Vol 158
Vol 33, 32001-33000 (1900) Vol 75 Vol 117 Vol 159
Vol 34, 33001-34000 (1900) Vol 76 Vol 118 Vol 160
Vol 35, 34001-35000 (1901) Vol 77 Vol 119 Vol 161
Vol 36, 35001-36000 (1901) Vol 78 Vol 120 Vol 162
Vol 37, 36001-37000 (1901) Vol 79 Vol 121 Vol 163
Vol 38, 37001-38000 (1901) Vol 80 Vol 122 Vol 164
Vol 39, 38001-39000 Vol 81 Vol 123 Vol 165
Vol 40, 39001-40000 (1902) Vol 82 Vol 124 Vol 166
Vol 41, 40001-41000 (1902) Vol 83 Vol 125
Vol 42 Vol 84 Vol 126

Usage Tips

Only the first volume is known as "Lineage Book of the Charter Members of the Daughters of the American Revolution".

Online images of some volumes available via FamilySearch and via

May be ordered through the nearest Family History Center.

FHL film numbers

  • 418135
  • 6051226
  • 6051291
  • 6051292
  • 6051293
  • 6100838